(Latin: end, last; limit, boundary, border)
The motto Ad finem fidelis was stitched into the family crest which hung above the fireplace in the family room.
When Jane found a very old diary up in the attic, she saw the motto Ad finem spero on the cover and she remembered her grandfather using this expression when she was a toddler visiting him and her grandmother.
Said to be the motto of the Canadian Space Agency.
The term ad finem, or its abbreviation ad fin., is used at or near the completion or conclusion of a piece of writing.
The term is often used interchangeably with ad nauseam and the original Latin sense is "beyond limits".

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2. Family resemblance or a relationship by marriage: There was a special affinity between the two friends apparently because they were also cousins.
3. An inherent similarity between people or things: There is a close affinity between lemons and limes.
Sarah felt an affinity with all of those who suffered because their pains were also her pains.
4. Etymology: Affinity comes from Latin affinitas, which means "kinship by marriage, as distinct from blood kinship".In the 18th century, naturalists started to use affinity to mean a family resemblance (as between cats and lions).

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
2. Family resemblance, similarity, likeness: There is a close affinity between lemons and limes.
2. In photography, a distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is clearer and sharper: Tanya, the landscape photographer, set the lens on her camera to infinity so objects at a distance would be in focus.
Carla seemed to have an affinity for photography; with careful precision, she set the aperture of the camera to infinity when taking long-distance shots.
The students were instructed to confine their written comments to just one page.
2. To keep or to cause a person to stay in something; such as, a bed or a wheelchair: After the accident, Morgan was confined to sitting in a wheelchair until his injured leg would get better.2. The time during which a woman gives birth, including the initial contractions: Trudy's sister stayed in a private clinic during her confinement when her daughter was born.
Efforts are being made to define words with greater understanding without using another form of the entry in the definitions; for example, some dictionaries define transposition as follows:
1. The act of transposing.
2. The state of being transposed.
3. Something that has been transposed.
Wouldn't the defining of the word be more comprehensible if it were to say the following?
1. Something that has been moved into a different position or order.
2. An action that has been changed or used in a some other place or situation.
When something is definite, then it is unambiguous, exact, or undeniable.